7 Easy + Actionable Ways To Improve Your Sleep
How we sleep varies so much throughout our life. Good sleep is really key to optimal health and healing, but it's also an area that experiences a lot of shifts and changes in how much we are getting and how much we need.
Focusing on good sleep hygiene, and rolling with these shifts, is essential to maintaining vibrant health and staying energised throughout the years. If you have been struggling with your sleep at all recently, then maybe it's time to do a sleep audit and consider implementing some simple changes that can help create better sleep for you.
Better sleep with help you to deal with stress and trauma, while balancing your emotions and hormones, and boosting your immune system. It's also really key to how you look and plays a role in your skin health too. If you really want to radiant a healthy glow then you have got to factor in sleep health when considering your skin.
1. Be sure to get natural light first thing.

When you wake, it's optimal to get outdoors within 30-60 minutes of waking up. You don't have to go outside for too long, but if you can get even 10 minutes outdoors in the early morning (without sunglasses), then this will really help to wake up and balance your internal circadian clock, which is key to good sleep patterns.
We also recommend getting out again in the evening, just prior to sunset, to allow the natural light to programme our circadian rhythm some more. If you really want to level up the benefits of absorbing natural light, you could also look at the practice of sun gazing.
2. Cut out/ cut down on caffeine/ alcohol/ junk food.
If you are really struggling with sleep, consider cutting out caffeine, alcohol and processed food. All these things can interfere with your sleep, and so can eating too late in the evening. It's worthwhile making some changes here and experimenting for a few weeks at the least, to see if better nutrition and less stimulants can help with your sleep issues.
Plus, there are so many good alternatives now that most of these things aren't needed. Energise yourself with the right herbal tea or smoothie in the morning, and eat natural, whole, living foods to feel bright and ready for the day. Plan ahead and have snacks and healthy options to hand for the best success. No caffeine or donuts needed.

3. Exercise.
Not late at night, as that will overstimulate you, but earlier in the day try to fit in as much movement as you can. Whether it is an early morning walk, yoga or a lunchtime workout on a rebounder, do what you can get make some vigorous movement a part of your day. Make the movement something you enjoy doing, and something you can easily fit in, to increase blood flow, balance your hormones and help to tire you out in a healthy way.
4. Dim the lights.
The LEDS and horrid blue lights that are ubiquitous now are, in our view, simply not healthy. While we understand that a little artificial lighting is necessary in this day and age, try to reduce the negative effects as much as possible for healthier sleep.

We love salt lamps, candles and incandescent bulbs at home during the evening, and to avoid screens and harsh artificial lights before bed. We work to create a sense of serene calm by diming all the lights and preparing our bodies for sleep from dinner time on. This will also really help any children in the home prepare for the end of the day and a good night's sleep. If you really can't help turning on a screen or harsh lighting before bedtime we like blue blocking glasses to help minimise the fall out from these.
5. Keep Sleep Consistent.
It can really help to have a consistent wake and sleep time each day, to help set the circadian rhythm. It's best to go to bed and get to sleep as soon as you first start to feel sleepy in the evening. Don't push through that first wave of sleep to stay up late and watch Netflix or scroll through Instagram. This is one of the main reasons that people find it hard to get to sleep, or wake at 3am and then find it difficult to get back to sleep. An earlier bedtime, and getting at least an hour or two of sleep before midnight, usually results in better quality sleep and less issues getting to and staying asleep.
6. Make your bedroom a sanctuary.
In our humble opinion, the main focus of your bedroom should be a good nights sleep. No working in your bedroom, no TV or screens. We like to make our bedroom a restful sanctuary by keeping the space tidy and minimal, with relaxing, natural fabrics and colours - no clutter under the bed or around the room! If there is clutter, especially under the bed, it's going to create a restless energy that will definitely interfere with your sleep.

Keep the room dark, with good, well-lined curtains. Opt for organic cotton or linen bed sheets, and try to keep your room cooler rather than stuffy and warm. We like to have layers of blankets that we can take on or off to have the bed just the right temperature depending on the night. Far easier than having to set up a fan or a cooling device, especially in the middle of the night.
7. Create a restful, peaceful bedtime routine.
This is one of the areas where we can have a bit of fun and practice self-care and self-love that can elevate many areas of our lives, not just our sleep. It's all about creating daily rituals that bring you a sense of harmony and joy, and having a solid bedtime routine is part of his. It's not just young children that need a bedtime routine, we all do! At all ages too.
For us here at TCBE, we like to start our bedtime routine at dinnertime, when all the work of the day is done and we're sitting down to a good meal. Here we light candles to mark the end of the day, lower any lights and turn on relaxing music. It helps the whole house to wind down. Bonus if we have some of Nunaia's Palo Santo on hand to cleanse the energy and help us to ground ourselves after a hectic day.

After dinner, we do a quick clean up so that everything is going to be nice when we wake up and write down a few action steps for the following day, so that we have a plan before winding down fully for the night. Writing down a plan now can help to relieve any last minute anxiety about what we have to do tomorrow. Better now then at 10pm when you are trying to get to sleep!
Whenever we can, we like to fit in a warm bath with either a Made By Coopers or Agent Nateur Bath Soak, to ease away stress and any muscle stiffness or tension. We love to light candles here too, and both Made By Coopers and Nunaia have beautiful, natural, essential oil based candles that can really help to create a peaceful atmosphere.

Following a bath, it's our night-time cleansing and skincare routine, which should feel sensuous and relaxing as you cleanse skin and spirit at the end of the day.
We often use Made By Cooper's line of sleep products, especially after a stressful day, to help us deeply relax and to ease any anxiety with their blends of organic essential oils and sleepy balm and pillow spray.

By the time we get into bed we're already super relaxed and ready for sleep, but if there's still some energy we like to read, pray or meditate on our HigherDose PEMF mat (set to either 1 for sleep or 3 for deep relaxation) before sleep just to focus our mind on something good. These PEMF mats are such an awesome tool for relaxation and recovery that we think every house should have one, and we suggest using these as well as a meditation/detachment practice here, right before bed, if you are really struggling to offload stress and anxiety from the day.
There are so many guided meditations and detachment practices online now and just listening and practicing for a few minutes before bed can really help you to clear your mind and ground yourself if you are feeling wound up.
Our practical, easy steps are simple for just about everyone to add into their day if sleep has become an issue for you. Remember, our sleep needs change over time, even from day to day, or season to season. You don't want to stress over how much sleep you are getting, just to become mindful of how much you are sleeping and the quality of your sleep. Putting a bedtime routine in place can really help you to get better quality, more refreshing sleep so that you are at your most vitalised and energised each day.
If you are really struggling we recommend looking up the work of Andrew Huberman on his website, podcast or Instagram, or seeking out the help of a sleep coach or functional medicine practitioner.
We also have a selection of tools and products, from the HigherDose PEMF mat, to all natural candles, adaptogens & supplements, essential oils, and relaxing bath soaks, to help you deeply unwind and relax at the end of the day.